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Athrotaxis cupressoides D. Don

Modern name

Athrotaxis cupressoides D.Don

A tree of 20 to 50 ft; branchlets round and cord-like, the final subdivisions about 18 in. in diameter. Leaves scale-like, very closely flattened to the twig, blunt or rounded at the apex, the bases overlapping, the exposed part 18 to 16 in. long, diamond-shaped, convex or somewhat keeled on the back, dark green. On the main branches the leaves are much larger, and sharply pointed. Ripe cones to 12 in. in diameter; scales rounded at the apex, with a short spiny point on the outer side.

Native of the mountains of central and western Tasmania at 3,000-4,000 ft. It is a small tree and not so valuable in Tasmanian forestry as A. selaginoides, besides being rarer. It is easily distinguished from the other two species by its very closely appressed leaves.

In the British Isles it has not grown so tall as the other two species. The best recorded are: Kilmacurragh, Co. Wicklow, Eire, a two-stemmed tree 45 × 514 + 312 ft, and two others both 36 × 412 ft (1966); Headfort, Co. Meath, Eire, pl. 1914, 30 × 314 ft (1966); Bicton, Devon, 30 × 214 ft (1957); Hergest Croft, Heref., 20 × 134 ft (1961); Leonardslee, Sussex, 20 × 1 ft (1960).

Athrotaxis cupressoides

Athrotaxis cupressoides

From the Supplement (Vol. V)

specimens: Bicton, Devon, the tree measured in 1957 no longer exists; Camperdown Park, nr Dundee, 31 × 412 ft (1985); Clynders, Gareloch, Aberd., 30 × 414 ft (1979); Kilmacurragh, Co. Wicklow, Eire, 48 × 6 + 414 ft, 36 × 514 ft and 52 × 434 ft (1980); Headfort, Co. Meath, Eire, pl. 1914, 36 × 334 ft (1980).



Other species in the genus