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Alnus cremastogyne Burk.

Modern name

Alnus cremastogyne Burkill

A tree 40 to 80 ft high, according to Wilson; young shoots soon becoming glabrous. Leaves usually distinctly obovate, sometimes nearly oval, tapered or somewhat rounded at the base, and shortly and abruptly pointed; margins set with small teeth; 212 to 512 in. long, 112 to 3 in. wide; dark lustrous green, and glabrous above, paler beneath, with tufts of brown hairs in the vein-axils; veins in nine or ten pairs; stalk 14 to 34 in. long. Male catkins not yet seen. Fruits solitary, on axillary stalks 2 to 312 in. long; oval, about 34 in. long, 13 in. wide; “seed” with a broad thin wing.

Native of W. China; discovered by Henry in Szechwan, in 1899; introduced by Wilson in 1907. This species is very distinct from all other cultivated alders except A. lanata in its solitary, long-stalked fruits. The foliage, too, is distinct in its large size and dark, glabrous, glossy green appearance.

A. lanata Duthie – Another alder found in W. China by Wilson, also with solitary fruits. It is very closely related to A. cremastogyne, but is easily recognised, especially when the foliage is young, by the dense brown woolly covering of the under-surface of the leaves, leaf-stalks, flower-stalks, and young shoots. Male catkins 2 to 3 in. long. Fruit-stalks 134 in long.

From the Supplement (Vol. V)

Although introduced by Wilson, the original stock may have died out. The present plants at Kew were raised from seeds received from Nanking in 1976/7. The species is also in cultivation from seeds collected by Roy Lancaster in west Szechwan in 1980.



Other species in the genus